2010 Points Standings

Class A
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
William Vice1    9       991
Class B
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Erick Calderon1T996  9  6 9957517
Scott Wukasch2T463994   64651409
Pete Molick3 49     9   22223
Art Yee4         96 15152
James Williams5  46 3      13133
Michael Blanchard63213        994
Matthew Blanchard72 24        883
John Galbraith8 3   2  3   883
Matt Benigno96           661
JAMES WILLIAMS9    6       661
Arthur Yee9     6      661
Aaraj Thyagaraj10    4       441
Kenneth King10        4   441
Jose Arenas10           4441
Class C
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Brian Colvard1T9 9 99  9 9 54546
richard lo2T1666 4  4 4940358
Michelle Colvard3T212 4   16 319187
Kenneth Finley443 4    2 1115156
Bill Barstow5  1  1  141210106
Alexander King6194     39  26265
Chris Ward7 1196      623235
Katie Otten861 32   1   13135
Kenneth King934        3 10103
John Scherwin10113 3       884
Jerry Streeter11121  3      774
Tony 1990 BMW M312     6      661
Doug Carroll12        6   661
Jeff Otten12          6 661
Justin Rohrman131 121       554
Lee Carter14           4441
Chris Thurman15     2      221
Evan Poole15          2 221
Isaac Miller16 1        1 222
Jim Moffitt171           111
Lowell Coleman171           111
Biz Bose17 1          111
Leon Gokhman17  1         111
Michele Herrera17  1         111
Mark Serhus17  1         111
Issac Miller17    1       111
Priscilla 2001 BMW Z317        1   111
Deborah King17          1 111
Israel Miller17          1 111
Patrick Delph17          1 111
Ian Miller17          1 111
Class D
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Jeff Otten1T634669  99 961489
Thad Davis2T  9 91   19635356
Jeff Thomson3T361211  3663322710
Jeff Conley4 9144   124126248
Peter Fry5421316  4121252110
Tor Taklo6211 33   4 115147
Blake LaGrone711111   1 311088
Walter Phillips8  69 2  63  26265
Mike Poterek9942 1      218185
Kenneth Finley10    24      662
Charles Shem11    4       441
Steven Phillips11           4441
Jordan Sarette12  3  1      442
Aaraj Thyagaraj131111        444
Karl Herrmann13   11     11444
John Scherwin14        21  332
Bob DeVault15111         333
Nolan Otten151   1   1   333
Matt Shaver16  11        222
Samuel Alcala16   11       222
William Phillips16         1 1222
Joshua Ream16          11222
Brian Fisher16          11222
Wayne LeGrone17  1         111
Adriano Galano17  1         111
James Saynay17   1        111
Dan Baker17    1       111
James Sanders17    1       111
MICHIEL OOSTERLING17    1       111
C Wood17    1       111
Nolan Banks17    1       111
Scott Hilliard17     1      111
Doug Carroll17         1  111
Tony Lee17           1111
Justin Cremer17           1111
Michelle Rivers17           1111
Class E
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
BARRY NORMAN1T9136 6  636444379
Gerald Anderson2T4249 9  424240349
Jake Fazeli3T366 9    6 333336
Vikki Finley4232344  2 1 21188
Christopher Stokes5        94 922223
Wayne Turpin6619         16163
Brian Colvard7 4       1 611113
Michael Knierien8 1 4     13110105
Daniel Records9 9          991
Kenneth Finley9         9  991
Chris Stokes9          9 991
Micheal Knierien10    6       661
Tiffany Homayounshad11 11 3    1  664
Aaraj Thyagaraj12     2  1111665
Billy Dana13     3   1  442
Chris Thurman14    2    1 1443
Amita Anderson15        3   331
Amita Achari161  2        332
Jerry Streeter17         111333
Walter Phillips18          2 221
Thad Davis1911          222
Kyle Meier19        1  1222
Paul Phang20        1   111
Class F
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Albert Ball1T4 6319  699956489
Christopher Stokes299 994      40405
Michele "Redline" Merdink3  342   96  24245
Tomme Eng4  466       16163
Hayden Hill566  3       15153
Jihad Srour6    13   4 614144
Chris Stokes7  9         991
J.R. Ridgway8 422        883
Michele Merdink9     6      661
Michele Eng9          6 661
Scott Timte10  1     4   552
WALTER PHILLIPS11    4       441
Adam Ridgway12 31         442
Walter Phillips133           331
Jawad Srour14    1       111
Class G
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Benjamin Ongoco1T69969   999 66548
Chris Matty2T466     6 6937376
Steve Pounds39  9        18182
zachary parker4   4        441
Class PCA
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
alex wier19999        36364
Reynaldo Pagan2 6      66 119194
Tomme Eng3     9  9   18182
Hayden Hill3         9 918182
nancy wier44421        11114
Mike Moulckers5          9 991
Cheng Lee66           661
michael davis6  6         661
Jim Hedderick6   6        661
Ricardo Mountain Bike6     6      661
Walter Phillips6           6661
Cheng Lee, D.C.7  33        662
Matthew Kucharski8  4         441
Christina Black 9118   4        441
Lee Nunley8     4      441
Scott Southall8         4  441
Ricardo Barnes8           4441
Seth Eaton9           3331
Nathan Harris10   2        221
Andrew Robertson10           2221
Jim Robertson11           1111
jan smits11           1111
Walt Doyle11           1111
Lynn Friedman11           1111
Alan Doyle11           1111
Class X1
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Terry Price1T464999  9999775410
David Duxbury2  66     4 117174
John Cairns3  33     33315155
Charles Shem4 3 4    6   13133
Tim Corvette Z0659           991
Mike Homes5 9          991
Martin Gremm5  9         991
Eric Himanga632 1 2      884
Frank Rogerson7    34      772
Don Gutierrez86           661
Joe Rogerson8    6       661
Aaron Schen8     6      661
Brian Matteucci8         6  661
Raymond Red Viper8          6 661
Karter Bollmann8           6661
Jason Sette9    2     4 662
Walter Phillips10 4          441
R H Guerrero10           4441
Robert Kortlang11111      1  444
Randall House12     3      331
Joel Gonzalez1321          332
Ricky Carroll13  21        332
PETER COX13   2 1      332
David Garza14         2  221
James Cuba14          2 221
Thomas Walker14           2221
Shawn Carroll15  11        222
McDonald Whetstone161           111
Chris Boyd16 1          111
Scott Southall16 1          111
Dave Morgante16 1          111
Andy Belter16   1        111
Stephen Phillips16    1       111
Peter Cox16    1       111
Gibran Haque16    1       111
Kenneth Fossum16     1      111
Ted Schmidt16     1      111
Louis Wardlaw IV16     1      111
Joel Cervantes16         1  111
Richard Shepherd16         1  111
Salvador Alcaraz16         1  111
Daniel Grant16          1 111
Jason Anthony16           1111
Class X2
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Cody Lam1T36   4  949944417
James Cuba2    99   9  27273
James Glasscock349   6      19193
Joe Houlihan42 4 43   3  16165
Paul Hunt56       6   12122
Michael Dreiling69           991
Nick Kelly6  9         991
Guadalupe Zamarripa7  6      2  882
Ian Carrillo8    6       661
David Link8         6  661
Tony Hernandez8          6 661
Brian Stephenson8           6661
Matthew Moll9 4          441
Walter Lee9        4   441
Justin Upchurch9          4 441
William Vice10     2      221
Vikki Hoang11     1      111
Class X3
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Jan Rowe1T21 21    6 113136
David Hedderick2   69    9 933334
Jim Robertson3 999        27273
Chung Ying4    69     621213
Anthony Alvior5 1      933218185
Mike Jiang663 44       17174
Robert Horton79          413132
WAYNE STOCKEL84 4 14      13134
David Johle9          9 991
Cody Lam10  63        992
David Duxbury11 6          661
Atul Majithia11     6      661
Christopher Lee11        6   661
Robby Helms11          6 661
Charlie Cha12        4 2 662
Stanley Lopez13         4 1552
Alex Brown14 4          441
Patricia Marcine14          4 441
Vinnie Baratta15 1  3       442
Sujohn Das163           331
Sarah West16  3         331
Justin Stockel16     3      331
Jim Hedderick16           3331
Greg Mercado17         2 1332
Huberto Diaz18 1       1 1333
Kiryu Goji19 2          221
David West19  2         221
Arturo Vivar19    2       221
Jonquil Hill20 1          111
Adam West20  1         111
Chris Baldelli20   1        111
Jeanneth Castro20    1       111
Ryan Jayawardena20           1111
Class X4
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Jim Robertson1     9   99 27273
Rob Snider2  9         991
Gary Abrahamzon2   9        991
Brian Sullivan3     6      661
Phil Sullivan4     4      441


The final season point total for each driver will be based on the sum of his/her six (6) best event finishes in a class. Points do not follow you from class to class! To be eligible for year-end autocross awards, a driver must be a Houston BMW CCA member and have competed in at least six (6) Houston BMW CCA autocross events during the season. If it turns out we have to cancel one or more events during the year because of weather or other unforeseen circumstances, the number of events used to compute year-end points may be reduced, but only to the minimum number of events that ensures that no single competitor may trophy in more than one class. We'll update the web page to reflect this if it happens. Conversely, if events are added to the schedule, the minimum number of events may be increased.

If a tie occurs at the end of the season, each competitor's next best event result will be included in that season's total until a tie no longer exists. If all event results are totaled and there is still a tie, then it is ruled a tie and there will be multiple trophies awarded for that class.

For EACH event the points will be totaled as follows:

1st - 9 Points

2nd - 6 Points

3rd - 4 Points

4th - 3 Points

5th - 2 Points

6th through nth - 1 Point

(Must be a BMW CCA member or associate to participate in driving events.)