2018 Points Standings

Class A
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Julio Ortiz1 9          991
Class B
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Nikola Dragojlovic1T699669   9  54487
Chris Ward2  399     9939395
David Taylor3964         19193
Don Guilbault444          882
Teri Little5 214        773
Riaz Ramadhar6  6         661
Jeff Williams6     6      661
Khaldoun Alzien6         6  661
Walter Cafaro6           6661
Tommy Bueno7 32         552
Tylor Johnson8    4       441
Nichole Daher93           331
Dennis D Nadeau102           221
Class C
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
David Taylor1T    99  999954546
Katie Otten2  9966     434345
Teri Little3     4   6  10102
Iyad Daher4  6         661
Ross Twaits4        6   661
Ignacio Bincaz4          6 661
Sean Marrs4           6661
Alfredo Garcia5    4       441
Travis Hill5        4   441
Jose Madrano5         4  441
Class D
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Josh Ronan1T 99969  99  60547
Chris Augustine2T946696  6669674510
Danielle Meyers3T2212 3  4 9629268
Kemell Kassim463  44  3 4428257
Gary Fickert5162 3   2 3118177
Michael Legere6    22   42313135
Tor Taklo74  3       2993
Stefan Woloshyn8 134        883
Arun Saini9   11   12 1665
Walter Phillips10  4         441
Doug Mayne11        13  442
Andrew Lu123           331
Iyad Daher131    1      222
Dennis D Nadeau13 1 1        222
Hung Dang141           111
Nik Kotey141           111
Nadim Sabbagh141           111
Cv Rao14 1          111
Kevin Woodworth14  1         111
Guy Woodworth14  1         111
Karl Herrmann14    1       111
Jarron Syh14    1       111
Seth Sajda14    1       111
Nichole Daher14     1      111
Shannon Saxby14        1   111
Dragos Dorobantu14        1   111
Alice Tinney14        1   111
Bradley Russell14           1111
Teri Little14           1111
Mike Young14           1111
Camron Gant14           1111
Kayla Thomsen14           1111
Class E
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Walter Phillips1T23 969  649654459
Jeff Thomson2T396626   66953429
Randy Crider3T124243  3 4427229
Chung Ying49   9   99  36364
Benjamin Ongoco5 493 4  4   24245
Christopher Stokes666          12122
Brian Colvard74 31    2   10104
Barry Norman8   43       772
Doug Mayne9           3331
Asbjoern L Johansen1011         1333
Dan Mclaughlin11           2221
Tommy Bueno121           111
Harold Mignola12        1   111
Class F
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Christopher Stokes1T  99 9   99954546
Aaraj Thyagaraj2T99 496  96  52487
Jeff Otten3T6646      6634346
Albert Ball44463      4425256
J.r. Ridgway5    64      10102
Katie Otten6          3 331
Leon Ledoux6           3331
Chelsea Brown7           2221
Vanessa Porta8           1111
Class G
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Michael Anastasio1T996 99  9   51516
Blake Lagrone2664  6      22224
Michael Knierien3  9         991
Class X1
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Edward Morfe1T9369 9  49  49467
Jim Hedderick2T463696  6699644510
David Hedderick3T6 9 4   943641387
Alex Dalgleish4224 1   324422198
Robert Kortlang51114    116217158
Crissy Weaver63 2 2   232 14146
Landon Thompson719  6       16163
Lucio D'isep8 4          441
Doug Wille9    3       331
Donovan Brown9           3331
Lonnie Howell101           111
David Johle10  1         111
Jackie Mutschler10    1       111
Ed Morfe10          1 111
Class X2
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Grant Farrelly1T 24666   6  30306
Jeff Goji2 99 9   9  945455
Robert Horton3        499628284
Terry Price46469        25254
Martin Gremm59    9  6   24243
Jeff Stones6 3   4   4 415154
Mark Mahadeo7   4 3  1   883
Ho Cheung8 6          661
Jonathan Hudson8          6 661
David Arnett941          552
J Cash10          4 441
Zafer Ercan11  3         331
Louis Castro11        3   331
J.r. Cash11           3331
James Temple12  2         221
Lynn Ketcham12        2   221
Garrett Stones12           2221
Will Taylor13 1          111
Roy Eid13        1   111
Class X3
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Michael Schnetzer1T946226  1341383210
Ricardo Barnes2T 3436   1 9228277
Lonnie Howell3   699  49  37375
Mickey Noworyta4   4     12916164
Rod Whetstone5 9      6   15152
Robert May6         46414143
Don Bunch7  3 43   2 113135
Drew Kim8  9     3   12122
Chad Kuboviak9        263 11113
Sean Rieger10   9        991
Benjamin Whetstone10        9   991
Andre Illick116          3992
William Maddox124    4      882
Ben Whetstone13 6          661
Andy Miller13           6661
Jan Rowe14    3       331
Kevin Andress15 2 1        332
Nichole Daher16  2         221
Adam Morten16     2      221
Mark Mahadeo17          11222
Reese Riddle18   1        111
Thomas Albertson18    1       111
Katherine Albertson18    1       111
Ben Ohmart18     1      111
Stephen Boone18     1      111
Alan Whetstone18        1   111
Christopher Appier18        1   111
Robert Paddison18        1   111
Jeremy Zeitler18        1   111
Matt Wulfson18        1   111
David Calderhead18         1  111
Scott Mcleod18         1  111
Jason Sette18          1 111
Jason Roberts18          1 111
Jake Miller18           1111
David Duxbury18           1111
Class X4
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Mike Klaybor1T2416 6  496442359
Ken Correnti2T 92444  2   25256
Ho Cheung36 4 9       19193
Robert Horton4  99        18182
Corey Phillips4  3  9  6   18183
Jeffrey Parker5        1 9616163
George Tsoflias6 3       6 312123
Shannon Saxby74113       110105
Jeff Goji89           991
Ragha Madawela8        9   991
Ho Chueng8           9991
Darrell Conner9         432993
Kenny Teal103 1 32      994
Chris Hartwig11    2   1 4 773
Chris Humphries12 6          661
Daniel Mccelvey12  6         661
Dean Tran12    6       661
Jason Wood13  11    3   553
Namy Tran13   2 3      552
Kalani Lau14         3  331
David Finklea15 1   1     1333
Craig Calvert15  1  1  1   333
Amy Grothusen16 2          221
Lance Lau16         2  221
Adam Morton16          2 221
Sean Curry17  11        222
Dawson Finklea17     1     1222
John Sigmon18 1          111
Oscar Ibarra18 1          111
Laurie Mccelvey18  1         111
John Leto18  1         111
Brian Schnick18   1        111
Oscar 18    1       111
Jeramiah Aibaja18    1       111
Ian Carrillo18     1      111
Blake Wulfson18        1   111
Luis Rameriz18           1111
Javier Angular18           1111
Zafer Ercan18           1111
Ryan Andrews18           1111
Class X5
DriverClass Pos.JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotalBest 6# of Events
Zach Taulbee1T4 4944  999658469
Kelan Captain2T96 436  666450399
David Duxbury3T6 6623  444 35308
Chad Kuboviak4  9 9       18182
Amy Grothusen5    69      15152
Cesar Sanchez6 9        3 12122
Martin Gremm7           9991
Shady Omran8 4          441
Michele Brown92 2         442
Michael Gutierrez103           331
Nolan Otten10  3         331
Don Bunch10   3        331
Carlos Acosta10        3   331
Acosta Carlos10           3331
John Villanueva11     2      221
Cory Russel11           2221
Michael Markert12  1         111


The final point total and final season standing for each driver will be based on:

Total Number of events conducted in yearResults included in points total
6The 4 best results in a single class
7The 4 best results in a single class
8The 5 best results in a single class
9The 5 best results in a single class
10The 6 best results in a single class
11The 6 best results in a single class
12The 7 best results in a single class

Points do not follow you from class to class!

If a tie occurs in the final season point standing, each tying competitor's next best event result will be included in that season's total until a tie no longer exists. If all event results are totaled and there is still a tie, then it is ruled a tie and if applicable, there will be multiple trophies awarded for that class.

For EACH event the points will be totaled as follows:

1st - 9 Points

2nd - 6 Points

3rd - 4 Points

4th - 3 Points

5th - 2 Points

6th through nth - 1 Point

To be eligible for year-end autocross trophies and/or awards, a driver must be a Houston BMW CCA member and have competed in a minimum number of Houston BMW CCA autocross events during the season. The minimum number of events required is based on number of events for the year:

Total Number of events conducted in yearMinimum number of events completed