1376 between Fredericksburg and Boerne

If you drive on 1376 only to get to Luckenbach you are missing out on a fun drive. Avoid Austin's traffic and take the more scenic drive home. Sure, you will probably drive a little more and end up in or near San Antonio (the traffic is not as bad as in Austin) but 1376 is a blast...It doesn't get much better than this: the car is running smooth at its favorite speed, with a near perfect operating temperature for an 02 with A/C, fun road with some beautiful scenery and good tunes on the CD. Now, if I only had my little buddy with me (my dog), THAT would be perfect!


Incidently, on our way home we returned to Luckenbach, hoping to get some pictures without any people. Well, even early on Sunday morning Luckenbach is popular with strange people on bikes wearing funny helmets and clothing. Except these riders were pedaling their ride and drinking power drinks instead of beer (I know, some of you consider beer a "power drink" but that is not what I meant).


To get to Luckenbach from Fredericksburg take 290 east about 6 miles to FM1376. Then go south for about 6 or 7 miles to Luckenbach. Pay attention or you will pass it up (it will be on your right as you head south). And don't be fooled by "Uptown Luckenbach" - that only means you are close.