Houston BMWCCA will pause Autocross for the 2025 season

The Houston chapter board of directors has made the decision to pause our autocross program for the 2025 season. We have come to this difficult decision for two reasons:  First, we’ve seen an increasingly lower level of member participation (and BMW’s), in our events. Second, we’ve experienced a decreased level of volunteer and staff support, which has put more pressure on those who do volunteer.   This was a difficult decision as autocross has been a core Houston chapter institution for many years. For those still interested in autocross, our friends in the PCA and SCCA will still be running their programs in 2025, BMW owners are welcome.

But there is good news. We have decided to prioritize our efforts and resources behind our two Teen Street Survival schools, one each in the Spring and Fall. Our TSS schools utilize many of the same resources and equipment as autocross. With that in mind, we will hold two (2) informal autocross fun sessions on the day following TSS (Sunday). These will be unclassed, and aimed exclusively at BMW owners and chapter members. We see this as a return to the earlier days of our autocross program. We want these to be fun sessions for members to get out to the HPA and run their cars around the course. All the same safety protocols and standards will apply. Stay tuned for details!