12:00 pm - 3:00 pm
Autocross Awards Lunch
Jan 20, 201812:00 pm - 3:00 pm
The autocross awards will be presented at a lunch to be held on January 20, 2018. The location will be Karbach Brewing Company. The price of admission will be $12/person. Register for this event by entering your name, email and membership number below. Also enter the names of any guests. Click on the image for more information.
Note: The cost is $12 per person. Be sure to set the spaces for the total number of people you are registering, so that we receive the correct payment and have an accurate head count. For example, if you are registering yourself and one guest, the total number of spaces would be 2.
The deadline for registration is 10:00pm on January 18th.
Registration is closed for this event.
Who's going:
- Jeff Thomson
- Danielle Meyers
- Walter Phillips
- Michael Anastasio
- Jim Hedderick
- Shannon Saxby
- Jeff Goji
- Diane Albrecht
- Robert Kortlang
- Chris Stokes
- Brian & Michelle Colvard
- Randy Crider
- Jeff Otten
- Gary Fickert
- Ho Cheung
- Nikola Dragojlovic
- Kelan Captain
- Ky Exezidis
- kemell kassim
- Tor Taklo
- Benjamin ongoco
- Alex
- Asbjoern L Johansen
- Michael Knierien
- Chris Augustine
- Kevin Andress