Tire Rack Street Survival (Canceled)
Apr 18, 20208:30 am - 4:30 pm
Due to concerns regarding the coronavirus, this event has been canceled.
Back by Popular Demand — Teen Street Survival on April 18th! You spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars teaching your kids to play music and sports. Why not invest just $95 and 1 day to teach them driving skills that will keep them alive to enjoy all those other events and activities that life has to offer. Not your typical Drivers Ed, Street Survival will teach your young drivers what to do when bad stuff happens out on the road so they don’t panic but instead maintain or regain control of the car. It’s a very small investment for such a huge potential return. Contact Ken Finley at streetsurvivalregistration@houston-bmwcca.com or go to the website at www.streetsurvival.org. Only 30 spaces available so check those calendars and sign up early. Click on the image for a link to the registration web site. Click on the video below for an example of what to expect. Registration for this event is now open at motorsportreg.com.
As always, volunteers are vital to making this event a success. We need people to help reset downed cones, direct traffic, setup lunch, take water to the students, instructors and volunteers, and much more. To volunteer, contact Nikola Dragojlovic at streetsurvivalvolunteers@houston-bmwcca.com. Qualified instructors are also needed. To volunteer as an instructor, contact Walter Phillips at streetsurvivalinstructors@houston-bmwcca.com.